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Strain[BmA3_0052] Photo Image

Number of Image data : 211 (Display 101-120 of 211)
Strain ID Image Stage Part/Organ Bright/Fluorescence Comment Date
BmA3_0052 S (sp) br- (brain) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) br- (brain) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) mg- (midgut) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) mpt (malpighian tube) B(Bright) 2004-10-26
S (sp) mpt (malpighian tube) F(Fluorescence) tumor? 2004-10-26
S (sp) mpt (malpighian tube) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) mg- (midgut) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) abi (anterior body inside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) abi (anterior body inside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) abi (anterior body inside) B(Bright) 2004-10-26
S (sp) abo (anterior body outside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) pbi (posterior body inside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
S (sp) abi (anterior body inside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-10-26
A (adult) wbo (whole body outside) B(Bright) 2004-12-02
A (adult) wbo (whole body outside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-12-02
A (adult) wbo (whole body outside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-12-02
A (adult) wbo (whole body outside) B(Bright) 2004-12-02
PP (prepupa) abi (anterior body inside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-11-04
PP (prepupa) abi (anterior body inside) F(Fluorescence) 2004-11-04
PP (prepupa) abi (anterior body inside) B(Bright) 2004-11-04

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